Why is it so challenging to change 

or simply do what we really want to do?


The answer lies in the intricate dance between our conscious desires and the deeply ingrained patterns that reside within us. These patterns are rooted in our past and have developed as a protection and strategy to deal with life. Neural pathways formed in childhood become patterns that continue to be triggered in adulthood. While they were helpful in our childhood, today they act as invisible barriers to our growth and well-being. In our quest for self-improvement and fulfillment, we often find ourselves in a tug-of-war with our own thoughts and behaviors


The culprit? The Judge and its ten accomplice saboteurs, silently pulling the strings in our minds, sabotaging our efforts, and impeding our progress.


  • The Judge the universal Saboteur: The Judge, a relentless critic, beats us up over mistakes and shortcomings, causing stress and unhappiness. It activates other saboteurs, reducing effectiveness and harming relationships.
    • Strategy: Develop self-compassion and challenge negative self-talk. Focus on growth rather than perfection.
    • Mantra: „I am not defined by my mistakes. I grow stronger through self-compassion and acceptance.
  • The Avoider: This saboteur excessively focuses on the positive, avoiding difficult tasks and conflicts.
    • Strategy: Embrace discomfort and confront challenges.
    • Mantra: „Mantra: "Embracing challenges empowers me.“
  • The Controller: Anxiety-driven, the Controller seeks to control situations and people, causing impatience when control is not possible.
    • Strategy: Practice letting go of the need for control, cultivate patience, and adapt to uncertainty.
    • Mantra: „Mantra: "In letting go, I find strength. I embrace patience and adapt gracefully to the ebb and flow of life.“
  • The Hyper-Achiever: Dependent on constant performance, the Hyper-Achiever seeks validation through achievements, discounting them quickly.
    • Strategy: Acknowledge accomplishments, detach self-worth from achievements, and prioritize well-being.
    • Mantra: „Mantra: "My worth is not measured by achievements alone. I celebrate my journey and prioritize my well-being.“
  • The Hyper-Rational: With an exclusive focus on rationality, the Hyper-Rational may be perceived as uncaring or intellectually arrogant.
    • Strategy: Balance logic with empathy, recognize emotions as valid, and foster meaningful connections.
    • Mantra: "I balance logic with empathy. In connecting with emotions, I build meaningful and caring relationships."
  • The Hyper-Vigilant: Constantly anxious about potential dangers, the Hyper-Vigilant never allows vigilance to rest.
    • Strategy: Practice mindfulness, distinguish between real and imagined threats, and cultivate a sense of safety.
    • Mantra: "Mindfulness grounds me in the present. I release imagined threats, finding safety in the here and now."
  • Pleaser: Indirectly seeks acceptance through pleasing others, often losing sight of personal needs.
    • Strategy: Set boundaries, prioritize self-care, and communicate assertively.
    • Mantra: "Setting boundaries is an act of self-love. I prioritize my needs, finding strength in authenticity."
  • The Restless: Restless and always seeking excitement, the Restless saboteur rarely finds peace in the present.
    • Strategy: Embrace stillness, practice mindfulness, and find contentment in the present moment.
    • Mantra: "In stillness, I discover peace. I appreciate the present moment and find contentment within."
  • The Stickler: Perfectionism and an obsessive need for order characterize the Stickler, causing anxiety in the pursuit of perfection.
    • Strategy: Embrace imperfection, set realistic standards, and prioritize progress over perfection.
    • Mantra: "Progress over perfection is my mantra. I embrace imperfection, knowing it fuels my growth."
  • The Victim: Emotional and temperamental, the Victim seeks attention and affection through an intense focus on internal feelings, especially negative ones.
    • Strategy: Cultivate emotional resilience, take responsibility for actions, and seek constructive ways to express emotions.
    • Mantra: "I am resilient in facing emotions. Taking responsibility for my actions empowers positive change."

While saboteurs claim to be beneficial, they instead cause persistent negative thoughts and emotions, hindering our growth and problem-solving ability. In summary, understanding and overcoming these saboteurs is a journey towards self-determination and a more fulfilling life.


For this purpose the mental fitness program was developed, a neuroscience-based training that helps to clearly recognize and change these patterns and their effects and thus consciously take the path to positive growth.