Monthly Compassion Circle

This is an open invitation to all who wish to expand their capacity for compassion and deep listening and feel the healing power of community. [...]

#IamRemarkable (English)

We are excited to invite you to attend the #IamRemarkable Workshop (English) #IamRemarkable is Google initiative empowering women and underrepresented groups to speak openly about […]

Mental Fitness Gruppen Programm (PQ)

Most attempts at positive change fail because we stop at insight and don't build habits. Sustainable change towards a more positive mind [...]


Creating balance in this fast-paced and demanding world is now more important than ever. What if we told you that to find balance, you need […]


Bi-Weekly Kali Circle For Women (English)


Our mission is to share tools to reclaim our full power and create a safe space (container) to practice with other women.

€30 – €75

Monthly Compassion Circle (English)

This is an open invitation to all who wish to expand their capacity for compassion and deep listening and feel the healing power of community. [...]

Weekly Reconnect With Mindfulness (German)


With our Mindfulness Reconnect Sessions we want to create a space for regeneration. Under the guidance of Alisa, we meet every Monday to create more [...]

€20 – €60